Fort Worth, Texas (April 15, 2023) - One World Everybody Eats, and its network of independent nonprofit cafes, will participate in the fifth annual National Everybody Eats Week from August 20th – August 26th, 2023. National Everybody Eats Week is a nationally coordinated campaign to help individuals understand the power they have to build community, ensure a table for everybody, and end hunger.
“Community Cafes have been building equitable communities for nearly 15 years,” says Julie Williams, Board President of One World Everybody Eats. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, our member cafes continued to meet the needs of the communities they serve. But now, it is clear our challenge is also deeper than just food.”
According to the World Health Organization, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide. The organization sites social isolation, reduced ability to work, limited support from loved ones, and a lack of engagement in community as stress factors contributing to the sharp increase.
One World Everybody Eats Community Cafes® are dedicated to increasing food security and building community through the pay-what-you-can nonprofit restaurant model. Every Community Café is as unique as the communities they serve; but all One World Everybody Eats member cafes believe in a community led dignified dining experience where everyone is welcome, and guests can choose what they want to eat from a selection of healthy nutritious options.
“The biggest part for us is to do something that we felt was radically different in the nonprofit sector. I believe in soup kitchens, I believe in access to food no matter what, but I wanted to be involved in something that was more about getting to know and see people for who they are,” says Renee Boughman, Executive Director at F.A.R.M. Café in Boone, North Carolina. “Let’s cook good meals together, let’s talk to each other about our lives, and maybe that way we can figure out how to create some change.”
A dozen cafes across the United States will participate in National Everybody Eats Week. But, regardless of your location, One World Everybody Eats challenges everybody to E.A.T. during National Everybody Eats Week, August 20th – 26th: